I’m a data-driven marketer
Ranked in Comscore’s Top 50 Canadian Travel-related website. Digital marketer. Acquisition expert.

Career Highlights
Online Acquisition & Lead Generation

Raised $3 million for Plan International’s to fund development projects through online and telemarketing campaigns

Delivered 60,000 online leads to a telecom company

Acquired 26,600 credit card applications for a credit card company

Decreased the online acquisition cost of a loan company by 30%
Website Traffic, User-Experience & SEO

Ranked Top 50 travel-related websites in Canada

Increased Pillar To Post’s website conversion by 14% after e-commerce redesign

Revamped PIC’s e-commerce platform significantly dropping ux-related complains

Increased organic traffic of Pillar To Post by 30%
Social Media, E-Mail & Content Marketing

Published 30,00 social media stories including videos, infographics and games

Developed social media policy for PTP and PTP

Produced 40-delegate international conference for Acqua Soft Water Systems

Delivered over 100 seminars on e-mail, social and search marketing